
Spanish, French and German language posters

German posters

Our German language posters are an excellent way to keep practicing your German between classes. Don't try and find the time to listen to a podcast or pick up a textbook. Download and print out one of our posters and simply absorb vocabulary and phrases while you work

  • German Language labels for sticking around the kitchen

    German language labels for around the house

    Learn loads of useful German vocab and phrases easily and in the comfort of your own home with these useful German labels.

  • German conversation poster. Practice conversations that you might encounter in a cafe or restaurant in Germany

    German Conversation poster

    Learn how to order a meal in German or strike up a conversation with a local at the bar.

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  • This poster helps you to practice describing people and their preferences in German

    German People and Preferences

    Real world German vocabulary examples for occupations, roles and physical characteristics. People watch in German!

    SizeTabloid / A3
  • Practice the German verbs, sein (to be), haben (to have) and gehen (to go)

    German common verbs

    The German verbs sein (to be), haben (to have) and gehen (to go) are the most important for a German language learner to master.

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