
Spanish, French and German language posters

Common verbs French

Practice conjugating the French verb être (to be) with all six of the different subject variations.
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This sample covers the French verb être (to be).

The full poster expands on être but also covers two other very common French verbs – avoir (to have) and aller (to go).

The full poster effectively demonstrates thousands of different French phrases and unlike a course book or podcasts, this resource can be easily glanced at all day every day, meaning that you are much more likely to gain the language practice that you need to become more fluent and better prepared for your next class or trip to France.

Sample the Common French Verbs poster
Sample the Common French Verbs poster

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French Common Verbs (être, avoir et aller) language poster

Upgrade to the full size poster

The full size French Common Verbs poster has more detail on être and also covers avoir (to have) and aller (to go). It also includes hundreds of practical vocabulary examples that will enable you to construct thousands of useful phrases.